Esthetic Perio-Implantology


Joly, Julio Cesar / de Carvalho, Paulo Fernando Mesquita / da Silva, Robert Carvalho

1st edition 2016

Hardcover, 23 x 31,5 cm, 896 pages, 4.979 images

Language: English

ISBN 978-85-7889-086-5


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7 139 Kč
Kategorie: Cizojazyčné knihy

Esthetic Perio-Implantology

This book is the culmination of extensive research and experience in the field of esthetic mucogingival surgery and implant dentistry. The authors rely on clinical documentation and scientific evidence to establish innovative esthetic protocols for the management of mucogingival complications in implant dentistry. Each advanced surgical and restorative procedure is prefaced with the scientific research, historical background, and clinical experiences that led to its development by the authors. Facets of diagnosis and the many treatment options for each case are covered clearly with a strict evidence-based philosophy. The authors have streamlined their revolutionary techniques and innovations for standardized application, and each clinical case is presented step by step and in stunning photographic detail. This book will lay the foundation for the development of clinical skills that will lead to more esthetic outcomes in some of dentistry's most challenging cases.

Chapter 01. Perio-implantology: A decade of consolidation of the philosophical proposals
Chapter 02. Soft tissue grafts, alveolar flaps, and tissue substitutes
Chapter 03. Single and multiple recession defects: Treatment planning and surgical procedures
Chapter 04. Therapeutic alternatives to treat a gummy smile
Chapter 05. Tridimensional ridge augmentation: Horizontal and vertical
Chapter 06. Simultaneous tissue reconstruction and implant placement at healed sites
Chapter 07. Socket management: Immediate implant placement and socket preservation
Chapter 08. Treatment options for implants with esthetic sequelae
Chapter 09. Therapeutic strategies for the treatment of multiple adjacent missing teeth in the anterior area
Chapter 10. Peri-implant prosthetic management for restorative excellence: Clinical and laboratory stages.

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